Rights Respecting Group

Update: June 2022. Through the hard work of the Rights Respecting group and all pupils throughout the school we have been presented with the Bronze accreditation award.

The Rights Respecting School group are working on an action plan to earn our Silver award. We have explored the meaning of rights respecting and have carried out an audit of where we feel the school is in regard to knowledge of, and supporting, rights for all. We have learnt about the foundations of the UNCRC and are now working towards making sure everyone in school knows about the rights and what they are – through implementing a ‘Right of the Month’, our display board, and finding ways to incorporate the rights into our learning by looking at where they align with planning (for example learning about the right to clean water alongside learning about the water cycle in science). We have also looked at how we can make sure everyone in school feels their voices are valued and heard. We will also be working on making sure pupils can explicitly make the connection between activities and opportunities to use their voice in school (such as voting for a pupil council) to their rights being supported. The second strand of our work has been to look at ensuring children have their rights in the local community and globally through supporting charity work such as the Rotary shoe box appeal and learning about COP26.