Learning Council

The Learning council at Keithhall is a working group of children from P1-7. The group was created in 2021 to use the How Good is Our School document to identify what is working well, areas for improvement and effective practice within the school.  Our group uses a variety of methods to gather information.  We investigate opinion, enquire about procedure and reflect on practise and then collate the details to feed back on the key 5 themes.  

The themes are…..

Our relationships -This includes friendships, relationships with teachers and other adults who support us, opportunities to influence things, equality and fairness, ethos and culture, feeling supported and cared for. 

Our learning & teaching – This includes the curriculum, the quality of learning experiences, the range of teaching approaches and access to high-quality resources for learning. 

Our school & community – This includes the facilities and environment for learning, availability of digital technology, the range of equipment for play and physical activity and ensuring everyone has good access to what’s available. It also includes having positive links between our school and our families and with partner organisations in our community. 

Our health & wellbeing – This includes access to good quality nutritious food as well as support for our emotional wellbeing, mental health and physical wellbeing. 

Our successes & achievements- This includes opportunities for achievement in our school and in the community, being able to achieve the best possible progress, awards and qualifications, skills for employment and lifelong learning.

This programme was developed by Education Scotland to give children and young people an increasing say in their education and their schools. The programme supports the empowered system and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child articles 12 and 13. 

The group provides real ways that children and young people can be involved in school improvement activities in their own school.